One day, we received a Tesla Gen 2 Wall Charger at UpFix for repair. Upon inspection, we wondered why the customer didn't just toss it in the trash. We found out that many hardcore Tesla enthusiasts seek out used or damaged second-generation wall chargers to replace their newer Gen 3 units. The reasoning in one word: More!
The UpFix R&D team quickly developed a repair solution. Word spread that we are the go-to source for repairing these devices. We find it amazing that people actually hunt around for Gen 2 chargers. See a Tesla in the driveway? Stop and ask if they have a dead Gen 2 wall charger lying around. In speaking with our Tesla customers, we often chat about the number of quirks that draw EV enthusiasts to Tesla cars -- one of which is the hunt for damaged Gen 2 wall chargers. These quirks and design elements make Tesla well, Tesla!
1. Ludicrous Mode
Let's start with a bang, shall we? Terminated in 2021, the Ludicrous Mode program brought Tesla a lot of positive hype. Named after the warp speed scene in the movie "Spaceballs", Ludicrous Mode is like strapping a rocket to your car and unleashing the full power of Tesla's electric drivetrain. You'll go from 0 to 60 faster than you can say, "They've gone to plaid!"
2. Tesla Gen 2 Wall Chargers
While Tesla makes a perfectly good third-generation wall charger, true Tesla nerds hunt for Tesla Gen 2 wall chargers. The reason can be summed up in one word: More. More amps (80A vs. 48A) means faster charge times. The cord is longer and more heavy-duty than the Gen 3 cord. One last thing, you can charge multiple cars from the same power source. In other words, a single power source can feed multiple chargers. Tesla Gen 2 Wall Chargers can burn out if they are not wired correctly. That means if you can find a damaged unit gathering dust in an uninformed Tesla owner's garage, grab it. When comparing a Tesla Wall Charger gen 2 vs gen 3, the gen 2 units are worth their weight in gold. If you find a damaged unit, order UpFix repair service HERE . We service all generations of wall chargers.
3. Dog Mode
We love our furry friends, and we know you do too. Good doggie. Tesla --with its all-electric air conditioning system -- created Dog Mode. It keeps your pet comfortable while you run errands. Since your dog appears to be locked in a car with its windows closed, the screen on the dash displays a cute message to let passersby know that your pup is safe and sound. ...and to keep those passersby from smashing the glass to "free" your dog.
Bioweapon Defense Mode
Tesla's BDM HEPA filter video (above) is awesome. Bioweapon Defense Mode is like having a force field around your car, protecting you from harmful pollutants and allergens. It's science fiction turned reality. Basically, it pressurizes the cabin like an airplane and forces all air through the ultra-efficient HEPA filter.
The Frunk
It seems like many Gen Y and Z-ers think that Tesla invented the "frunk", but front trunks have been around forever. From the Volkswagen Beetle and Chevy Corvair to the 48 Tucker Torpedo and our favorite -- The Tatra 77, "frunks" most rear-engine and mid-engine cars have front trunks.
The 'Butthole' Command
We try to keep it clean here on UpFix.com, but this quirky Tesla feature calls attention to itself. If you say "Open Butthole", your Tesla will open its hidden charge port door. Seriously. Beavis and Butthead would be proud. They say that Elon Musk and the Tesla design team are less than mature. ...and so are we.
Sentry Mode
If you get too close to a Tesla with the security system enabled, it will get very annoying, and very loud -- very fast! Once the alarm is tripped, it will play a heavy metal version of Johann Sebastian Bach's 300-year-old classic "Tocatta and Fugue". A creepy-looking red eye appears on the dash display.
S3XY Model Names
Is it more immature silliness or marketing genius? This quirk may not be as interesting as someone hunting garage sales for a damaged Tesla Gen 2 wall charger, but in either case, Tesla has built a cult following for its brand and its products.
SpaceX Rocket Thruster Package:
Okay, this quirk doesn't exist and -- for safety reasons -- probably never will. Imagine your Tesla equipped with rocket thrusters resulting in a 1.1 0-60 acceleration time. That is the hype surrounding Tesla's forthcoming "Roadster" sports car re-make. Kenny Powers strapped a rocket to his Lincoln in 1976. This is a very bad idea. Don't try this at home or anywhere else.

More Tesla Services From UpFix:
Our Tesla Gen 2 Wall Charger repair service is just the tip of the iceberg. Strap in and enjoy the ride as we continue to develop more repair solutions for Tesla cars. We already offer repair services for gen 1 and gen 3 chargers as well as instrument cluster panel repair.