Paragraph 1 Text goes here. Here's an article about how we write our blog articles. Please do not overwrite this post. It is a template -- for reference only -- to help writers understand our article structure and goals. Title > Lead Image > Paragraph(s), Image, > Subheading > Image > Paragraph(s) > repeat > links.
Some guidelines: Multiple paragraphs are encouraged. 3-4 sentences per paragraph maximum. While 2-3 sentences are the norm, we utilize 3-4 sentences in keeping with our technically-minded business model. Our audience is primarily seeking "How To" content. What is the best way to solve a problem? How does UpFixing work? We also want to entertain our audience with content associated with ingenuity. How are users refurbishing automotive, home, and industrial technology? Passive subject matter is okay as long as it is interesting, informative, and tangentially related to UpFixing. No hard sell ever. When possible, try to embed one of our videos (below is just an example).
To duplicate this template, see paragraph 2 below.
Subheading 1 text goes here
Paragraph 2 text goes here. If you want to make a duplicate of this post template, click the three arrows at the top right-hand corner of your screen, then choose "Copy All Blocks" from the dropdown menu. Next, create a new post. First close this post by clicking on the black N blue "UF" at the top left of your screen. Click on "Posts" at the left, then "Add New". Once a new post has been created, paste the blocks into your new post and edit all content. If you run into any difficulties or have any questions, please slack Steve Chryssos or email at swchrys@gmail.com

Subheading 2 text goes here
Paragraph 3 text goes here